Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Calvary has arrived

When Joe fails to update his blog we pester, we admonish, we condemn. When it has gone too long without a substantial update - we replace. I, Katie, will take now take charge of his wayward journal and tell the stories how they should be told. I'll also do my best to get his butt back into shape and writing again so that we simple folk in America can once again live vicariously through his wacky developing world adventures.

Tonight we had a dinner party with Joe's neighbors and we drank, we chatted and they (maliciously, we feel) wished 5 children upon us. After more bottles of wine than are advisable we spent the night gossiping through a translator about life, family and the continuing friendship between Albania and America. They're wonderful people (apart from their ill-intended wish for more kids then we ever want) and I'm enjoying the sights, sounds and people of Joe's adopted homeland.

More adventures to come!


e said...

Hi. This is Katie's friend Erin. I stopped by just now to check to see if either of you updated your blogs and it must have been ESP because you did!

Just glad Katie made it there ok and that it sounds like you're having fun!

Joe, if you get this first, give her a big kiss from me :)

Have fun you crazy kids!

Unknown said...

Hi, Katie, nice to meet you! Joe's friends from his home town like to keep up with what international incidents he gets involved in, so we're glad you there to tweak him. Please give him Brookfield's regards for us!

By the way, I think you mean "The CAVALRY has arrived. . . "

Ashley/Betty said...

Okay, so you both fail! One update from Europe simply stating that Katie will be doing the updating? Herumph. You know I still love you both, but there had better be some awesome pics to go along with this trip! Miss you both!